While QSR Automations is known as the pioneer in restaurant technology, a secondary mission is advancing the role of women in leadership and tech-based roles. It's no secret that STEM jobs--those in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math are typically dominated by men. The …

7 Tips for Successful Content Design
In the digital age, a business’s digital presence holds immense significance. It will shape customers’ first perceptions, drive branding efforts, and engage vast new audiences. If left unattended, it can easily denote unprofessionalism, sway customers to competitors, and substantially impact …

The Demand for Delivery: How to manage the new Amazon/Grubhub partnership
Food delivery is more popular than ever, allowing customers a convenient and contactless method of eating from their favorite business in the comfort of their own home. While some restaurants have the capacity to hand-deliver all their off-premise orders, many rely on third-party delivery …

People Before Product
Any restaurant manager can tell you that having a happier staff leads to happier customers, and the same is true for any successful business. However, wanting to be the biggest and the best makes it easy to focus more on the product than the people making up your organization. At QSR …

Problem Solving with Restaurant Technology
By now you’ve all heard “I’ve got 99 problems…” and people in the hospitality and restaurant industries face their share of them. How can management and decision-makers help alleviate some of the problems they face? Our money’s on technology. We’re not saying it’s the answer to all your problems (we …

Celebrate National Drive Thru Day with New Technology
The drive-thru made its debut in 1947, and has been a staple of road trips and meals on the go ever since. National Drive-Thru is July 24, and to celebrate, QSR Automations is sharing a few ways it is integrating its technology with major restaurant players to add efficiency to this fast-paced …

6 Ways to Improve the Guest Experience in Your Restaurant
To say that the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the restaurant industry would be a gross understatement. As safety regulations took their toll on restaurants worldwide over two years, the industry had to readjust. Change was inevitable, from how establishments marketed themselves to how they refined …

Unsung Heroes: Why Our Support Services Team is Our Secret Weapon
Technology is great… until it isn’t. Few things are more frustrating to restaurant operators than investing in technology only to have it fail exactly when you need it to be firing on all cylinders. Tech failures are also costly–a recent analysis by software testing company Tricentis of 606 software …